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Oliver Hahn, Giulia Ferrini, Ryuji Takagi (Jun 11 2024).

Abstract: Although the similarity between non-stabilizer states – also known as magic states – in discrete-variable systems and non-Gaussian states in continuous-variable systems has widely been recognized, the precise connections between these two notions have still been unclear. We establish a fundamental link between these two quantum resources via the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) encoding. We show that the negativity of the continuous-variable Wigner function for an encoded GKP state coincides with a magic measure we introduce, which matches the negativity of the discrete Wigner function for odd dimensions. We also provide a continuous-variable representation of the stabilizer Rényi entropy – a recent proposal for a magic measure for multi-qubit states. With this in hand, we give a classical simulation algorithm with runtime scaling with the resource contents, quantified by our magic measures. We also employ our results to prove that implementing a multi-qubit logical non-Clifford operation in the GKP code subspace requires a non-Gaussian operation even at the limit of perfect encoding, despite the fact that the ideal GKP states already come with a large amount of non-Gaussianity.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.06418