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Bjorn K. Berntson, Christoph Sünderhauf (Jun 07 2024).

Abstract: Quantum signal processing is a framework for implementing polynomial functions on quantum computers. To implement a given polynomial $P$, one must first construct a corresponding complementary polynomial $Q$. Existing approaches to this problem employ numerical methods that are not amenable to explicit error analysis. We present a new approach to complementary polynomials using complex analysis. Our main mathematical result is a contour integral representation for a canonical complementary polynomial. The integral representation on the unit circle has a particularly simple and efficacious Fourier analytic interpretation, which we use to develop a Fast Fourier Transform-based algorithm for the efficient calculation of $Q$ in the monomial basis with explicit error guarantees. Numerical evidence that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art optimization-based method for computing complementary polynomials is provided.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04246