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Nai-Hui Chia, Daniel Liang, Fang Song (May 17 2024).

Abstract: We establish connections between state tomography, pseudorandomness, quantum state synthesis, and circuit lower bounds. In particular, let $\mathfrak{C}$ be a family of non-uniform quantum circuits of polynomial size and suppose that there exists an algorithm that, given copies of $|\psi \rangle$, distinguishes whether $|\psi \rangle$ is produced by $\mathfrak{C}$ or is Haar random, promised one of these is the case. For arbitrary fixed constant $c$, we show that if the algorithm uses at most $O(2^{n^c})$ time and $2^{n^{0.99}}$ samples then $\mathsf{stateBQE} \not\subset \mathsf{state}\mathfrak{C}$. Here $\mathsf{stateBQE} := \mathsf{stateBQTIME}[2^{O(n)}]$ and $\mathsf{state}\mathfrak{C}$ are state synthesis complexity classes as introduced by Rosenthal and Yuen (ITCS 2022), which capture problems with classical inputs but quantum output. Note that efficient tomography implies a similarly efficient distinguishing algorithm against Haar random states, even for nearly exponential-time algorithms. Because every state produced by a polynomial-size circuit can be learned with $2^{O(n)}$ samples and time, or $O(n^{\omega(1)})$ samples and $2^{O(n^{\omega(1)})}$ time, we show that even slightly non-trivial quantum state tomography algorithms would lead to new statements about quantum state synthesis. Finally, a slight modification of our proof shows that distinguishing algorithms for quantum states can imply circuit lower bounds for decision problems as well. This help sheds light on why time-efficient tomography algorithms for non-uniform quantum circuit classes has only had limited and partial progress. Our work parallels results by Arunachalam et al. (FOCS 2021) that revealed a similar connection between quantum learning of Boolean functions and circuit lower bounds for classical circuit classes, but modified for the purposes of state tomography and state synthesis.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.10242