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Guglielmo Lami, Tobias Haug, Jacopo De Nardis (Apr 30 2024).

Abstract: Nonstabilizerness, or `magic’, is a critical quantum resource that, together with entanglement, characterizes the non-classical complexity of quantum states. Here, we address the problem of quantifying the average nonstabilizerness of random Matrix Product States (RMPS). RMPS represent a generalization of random product states featuring bounded entanglement that scales logarithmically with the bond dimension $\chi$. We demonstrate that the $2$-Stabilizer Rényi Entropy converges to that of Haar random states as $N/\chi^2$, where $N$ is the system size. This indicates that MPS with a modest bond dimension are as magical as generic states. Subsequently, we introduce the ensemble of Clifford enhanced Matrix Product States ($\mathcal{C}$MPS), built by the action of Clifford unitaries on RMPS. Leveraging our previous result, we show that $\mathcal{C}$MPS can approximate $4$-spherical designs with arbitrary accuracy. Specifically, for a constant $N$, $\mathcal{C}$MPS become close to $4$-designs with a scaling as $\chi^{-2}$. Our findings indicate that combining Clifford unitaries with polynomially complex tensor network states can generate highly non-trivial quantum states.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.18751