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Laura Burri (Jun 05 2024).

Abstract: The doubly minimized Petz Renyi mutual information of order $\alpha$ is defined as the minimization of the Petz divergence of order $\alpha$ of a fixed bipartite quantum state relative to any product state. In this work, we establish several properties of this type of Renyi mutual information, including its additivity for $\alpha\in [1/2,2]$. As an application, we show that the direct exponent of certain binary quantum state discrimination problems is determined by the doubly minimized Petz Renyi mutual information of order $\alpha\in (1/2,1)$. This provides an operational interpretation of this type of Renyi mutual information, and generalizes a previous result for classical probability distributions to the quantum setting.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.01699