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Yifan Zhang, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Georgios Styliaris (May 17 2024).

Abstract: Preparing long-range entangled states poses significant challenges for near-term quantum devices. It is known that measurement and feedback (MF) can aid this task by allowing the preparation of certain paradigmatic long-range entangled states with only constant circuit depth. Here we systematically explore the structure of states that can be prepared using constant-depth local circuits and a single MF round. Using the framework of tensor networks, the preparability under MF translates to tensor symmetries. We detail the structure of matrix-product states (MPS) and projected entangled-pair states (PEPS) that can be prepared using MF, revealing the coexistence of Clifford-like properties and magic. Furthermore, we provide analytic solutions to states exhibiting MF symmetries akin to the symmetry-protected topological order in one dimension and the topological order in two dimensions, and we discuss their characteristics. Finally, we discuss the analogous implementation of operators via MF, providing a structural theorem that connects to the well-known Clifford teleportation.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.09615