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Kunal Sharma, Minh C. Tran (Apr 05 2024).

Abstract: We propose an algorithm for simulating the dynamics of a geometrically local Hamiltonian $A$ under a small geometrically local perturbation $\alpha B$. In certain regimes, the algorithm achieves the optimal scaling and outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms. By moving into the interaction frame of $A$ and classically computing the Magnus expansion of the interaction-picture Hamiltonian, our algorithm bypasses the need for ancillary qubits. In analyzing its performance, we develop a framework to capture the quasi-locality of the Magnus operators, leading to a tightened bound for the error of the Magnus truncation. The Lieb-Robinson bound also guarantees the efficiency of computing the Magnus operators and of their subsequent decomposition into elementary quantum gates. These features make our algorithm appealing for near-term and early-fault-tolerant simulations.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.02966