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Fumiyoshi Kobayashi, Shota Nagayama (Apr 23 2024).

Abstract: Rydberg atom array with optical tweezers is a promising candidate for a fault-tolerant quantum computer, thanks to its good properties such as scalability, long coherence time and optical accessibility for communication. A big barrier to overcome is non-Pauli errors, erasure errors and leakage errors. Conventional work has revealed that leakage error is convertible to erasure error. A remaining problem is that such (converted) erasure errors continuously happen and accumulate. The previous proposal involved transporting atoms directly from the reservoir area, where atoms are stored for spare, to the computational area, where the computation and the error correction are processed, to correct atom loss. However, transporting atoms takes a long time and has side effects on surrounding qubits in practice. In this study, we evaluate the effects on planar code by circuit-based Monte Carlo simulation which has depolarizing errors and erasure errors, and propose a new scheme to tolerate that problem, namely, \textit$k$-shift erasure recovery scheme. Our scheme uses online code deformation to tolerate erasures and repeatedly transfers the logical qubit from an imperfect array in which erasure errors accumulated to another perfect array in which erasure errors have been fixed by offline optical tweezers, to tolerate a large (accumulated) number of erasures. Furthermore, our scheme corrects erasure errors of atom arrays while logical qubits are evacuated from that area to correct; therefore, manipulating optical tweezers for erasure correction does not disturb qubits that compose logical data. We believe that our scheme provides practical directions for Rydberg atom quantum computers to realize feasible fault-tolerance.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.12656