Julian Schuhmacher, Marco Ballarin, Alberto Baiardi, Giuseppe Magnifico, Francesco Tacchino, Simone Montangero, Ivano Tavernelli (Apr 10 2024).
Abstract: Hybrid Tensor Networks (hTN) offer a promising solution for encoding variational quantum states beyond the capabilities of efficient classical methods or noisy quantum computers alone. However, their practical usefulness and many operational aspects of hTN-based algorithms, like the optimization of hTNs, the generalization of standard contraction rules to an hybrid setting, and the design of application-oriented architectures have not been thoroughly investigated yet. In this work, we introduce a novel algorithm to perform ground state optimizations with hybrid Tree Tensor Networks (hTTNs), discussing its advantages and roadblocks, and identifying a set of promising applications. We benchmark our approach on two paradigmatic models, namely the Ising model at the critical point and the Toric code Hamiltonian. In both cases, we successfully demonstrate that hTTNs can improve upon classical equivalents with equal bond dimension in the classical part.