Paula Belzig (Apr 15 2024).
Abstract: If a sender and a receiver lack precise knowledge about the communication line that connects them, designing a scheme to reliably transmit information becomes more challenging. This has been studied in classical and quantum information theory in the context of compound channel models and arbitrarily varying channel models. However, a fully quantum version of system uncertainty allows for an even more challenging coding scenario with entangled channel uses. This type of model has previously been investigated for classical and quantum capacity. Here, we address the problem of entanglement-assisted capacity in the presence of such system uncertainty. We find that, under the assumption of a finite environment dimension, it is equal to a corresponding compound capacity. Intriguingly, our results imply that in certain fully quantum arbitrarily varying channel models, the entanglement-assisted capacity can be positive while the classical capacity is equal to zero, a phenomenon that does not occur in regular single-channel coding.