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Evan Borras, Milad Marvian (Jun 19 2024).

Abstract: We present a quantum algorithm for simulating a family of Markovian master equations that can be realized through a probabilistic application of unitary channels and state preparation. Our approach employs a second-order product formula for the Lindblad master equation, achieved by decomposing the dynamics into dissipative and Hamiltonian components and replacing the dissipative segments with randomly compiled, easily implementable elements. The sampling approach eliminates the need for ancillary qubits to simulate the dissipation process and reduces the gate complexity in terms of the number of jump operators. We provide a rigorous performance analysis of the algorithm. We also extend the algorithm to time-dependent Lindblad equations, generalize the noise model when there is access to limited ancillary systems, and explore applications beyond the Markovian noise model. A new error bound, in terms of the diamond norm, for second-order product formulas for time-dependent Liouvillians is provided that might be of independent interest.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.12748
