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Saptarshi Roy, Tamal Guha, Sutapa Saha, Giulio Chiribella (May 29 2024).

Abstract: A fundamental property of quantum mechanics is that a single qubit can carry at most 1 bit of classical information. For an important class of quantum communication channels, known as entanglement-breaking, this limitation remains valid even if the sender and receiver share entangled particles before the start of the communication: for every entanglement-breaking channel, the rate at which classical messages can be reliably communicated cannot exceed 1 bit per transmitted qubit even with the assistance of quantum entanglement. But does this mean that, for the purpose of communicating classical messages, a noisy entanglement-breaking qubit channel can be replaced by a noisy bit channel? Here we answer the question in the negative. We introduce a game where a player (the sender) assists another player (the receiver) in finding a prize hidden into one of four possible boxes, while avoiding a bomb hidden in one of the three remaining boxes. In this game, the bomb cannot be avoided with certainty if the players communicate through a noisy bit channel. In contrast, the players can deterministically avoid the bomb and find the prize with a guaranteed 1/3 probability if they communicate through an entanglement-breaking qubit channel known as the universal NOT channel. We show that the features of the quantum strategy can be simulated with a noiseless bit channel, but this simulation requires the transmission to be assisted by shared randomness: without shared randomness, even the noiseless transmission of a three-level classical system cannot match the transmission of a single noisy qubit.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.17946