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Fernando Martínez-García, Francisco Revson F. Pereira, Pedro Parrado-Rodríguez (May 08 2024).

Abstract: The development and use of large-scale quantum computers relies on integrating quantum error-correcting (QEC) schemes into the quantum computing pipeline. A fundamental part of the QEC protocol is the decoding of the syndrome to identify a recovery operation with a high success rate. In this work, we implement a decoder that finds the recovery operation with the highest success probability by mapping the decoding problem to a spin system and using Population Annealing to estimate the free energy of the different error classes. We study the decoder performance on a 4.8.8 color code lattice under different noise models, including code capacity with bit-flip and depolarizing noise, and phenomenological noise, which considers noisy measurements, with performance reaching near-optimal thresholds. This decoding algorithm can be applied to a wide variety of stabilizer codes, including surface codes and quantum low-density parity-check (qLDPC) codes.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.03776