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Zlatko K. Minev, Khadijeh Najafi, Swarnadeep Majumder, Juven Wang, Ady Stern, Eun-Ah Kim, Chao-Ming Jian, Guanyu Zhu (Jun 19 2024).

Abstract: Fibonacci string-net condensate, a complex topological state that supports non-Abelian anyon excitations, holds promise for fault-tolerant universal quantum computation. However, its realization by a static-lattice Hamiltonian has remained elusive due to the inherent high-order interactions demanded. Here, we introduce a scalable dynamical string-net preparation (DSNP) approach, suitable even for near-term quantum processors, that can dynamically prepare the state through reconfigurable graphs. DSNP enables the creation and manipulation of the Fibonacci string-net condensate (Fib-SNC). Using a superconducting quantum processor, we couple the DSNP approach with a composite error-mitigation strategy on deep circuits to successfully create, measure, and braid Fibonacci anyons in two spatial dimensions (2D) demonstrating their potential for universal quantum computation. To this end, we measure anyon charges for two species of anyons associated with the doubled topological quantum field theory underlying Fid-SNC, with an average experimental accuracy of 94%. We validate that a scalable 2D braiding operation on a logical qubit encoded on three anyons yields the golden ratio $\phi$ with 98% average accuracy and 8% measurement uncertainty. We further sample the Fib-SNC wavefunction to estimate the chromatic polynomial at $\phi+2$ for various graphs. Given the established computational hardness of the chromatic polynomial, the wavefunction amplitude is classically hard to evaluate. Our results establish the first proof of principle that scalable DSNP can open doors to fault-tolerant universal quantum computation and to classically-hard problems.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.12820
