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David T. Stephen (Apr 26 2024).

Abstract: We describe a class of spin chains with new physical and computational properties. On the physical side, the spin chains give examples of symmetry-protected topological phases that are defined by non-onsite symmetries, i.e. symmetries that are not a tensor product of single-site operators. These phases can be detected by string-order parameters, but notably do not exhibit entanglement spectrum degeneracy. On the computational side, the spin chains represent a new class of states that can be used to deterministically teleport information across long distances, with the novel property that the necessary classical side processing is a non-linear function of the measurement outcomes. We also give examples of states that can serve as universal resources for measurement-based quantum computation, providing the first examples of such resources without entanglement spectrum degeneracy. The key tool in our analysis is a new kind of tensor network representation which we call split-index matrix product states (SIMPS). We develop the basic formalism of SIMPS, compare them to matrix product states, show how they are better equipped to describe certain kinds of non-onsite symmetries and quantum teleportation, and discuss how they are also well-suited to describing constrained spin chains.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.15883