Zhiyan Ding, Bowen Li, Lin Lin (Apr 10 2024).
Abstract: Lindblad dynamics and other open-system dynamics provide a promising path towards efficient Gibbs sampling on quantum computers. In these proposals, the Lindbladian is obtained via an algorithmic construction akin to designing an artificial thermostat in classical Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics methods, rather than treated as an approximation to weakly coupled system-bath unitary dynamics. Recently, Chen, Kastoryano, and Gilyén (arXiv:2311.09207) introduced the first efficiently implementable Lindbladian satisfying the Kubo–Martin–Schwinger (KMS) detailed balance condition, which ensures that the Gibbs state is a fixed point of the dynamics and is applicable to non-commuting Hamiltonians. This Gibbs sampler uses a continuously parameterized set of jump operators, and the energy resolution required for implementing each jump operator depends only logarithmically on the precision and the mixing time. In this work, we build upon the structural characterization of KMS detailed balanced Lindbladians by Fagnola and Umanità, and develop a family of efficient quantum Gibbs samplers that only use a discrete set of jump operators (the number can be as few as one). Our methodology simplifies the implementation and the analysis of Lindbladian-based quantum Gibbs samplers, and encompasses the construction of Chen, Kastoryano, and Gilyén as a special instance.