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Po-Shen Hsin, Ryohei Kobayashi, Guanyu Zhu (May 21 2024).

Abstract: We construct a family of infinitely many new candidate non-Abelian self-correcting topological quantum memories in $D\geq 5+1$ spacetime dimensions without particle excitations using local commuting non-Pauli stabilizer lattice models and field theories of $\mathbb{Z}_2^3$ higher-form gauge fields with nontrivial topological action. We call such non-Pauli stabilizer models magic stabilizer codes. The family of topological orders have Abelian electric excitations and non-Abelian magnetic excitations that obey Ising-like fusion rules, generalizing the dihedral group $\mathbb{D}_8$ gauge theory in 2+1d. The simplest example includes a new non-Abelian self-correcting memory in 5+1d with Abelian loop excitations and non-Abelian membrane excitations. We use a Peierls argument to demonstrate the self-correction property and the thermal stability, and devise a probablistic local cellular-automaton decoder.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.11719