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Jonathan Allcock, Joao F. Doriguello, Gábor Ivanyos, Miklos Santha (May 13 2024).

Abstract: Bell sampling is a simple yet powerful measurement primitive that has recently attracted a lot of attention, and has proven to be a valuable tool in studying stabiliser states. Unfortunately, however, it is known that Bell sampling fails when used on qu\emphdits of dimension $d>2$. In this paper, we explore and quantify the limitations of Bell sampling on qudits, and propose new quantum algorithms to circumvent the use of Bell sampling in solving two important problems: learning stabiliser states and providing pseudorandomness lower bounds on qudits. More specifically, as our first result, we characterise the output distribution corresponding to Bell sampling on copies of a stabiliser state and show that the output can be uniformly random, and hence reveal no information. As our second result, for $d=p$ prime we devise a quantum algorithm to identify an unknown stabiliser state in $(\mathbb{C}^p)^{\otimes n}$ that uses $O(n)$ copies of the input state and runs in time $O(n^4)$. As our third result, we provide a quantum algorithm that efficiently distinguishes a Haar-random state from a state with non-negligible stabiliser fidelity. As a corollary, any Clifford circuit on qudits of dimension $d$ using $O(\log{n}/\log{d})$ auxiliary non-Clifford single-qudit gates cannot prepare computationally pseudorandom quantum states.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.06357