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Samo Novák (May 07 2024).

Abstract: Homological quantum error correction uses tools of algebraic topology and homological algebra to derive Calderbank-Shor-Steane quantum error correcting codes from cellulations of topological spaces. This work is an exploration of the relevant topics, a journey from classical error correction, through homology theory, to CSS codes acting on qudit systems. Qudit codes have torsion in their logical spaces. This is interesting to study because it gives us extra logical qudits, of possibly different dimension. Apart from examples and comments on the topic, we prove an original result, the Structure Theorem for the Qudit Logical Space, an application of the Universal Coefficient Theorem from homological algebra, which gives us information about the logical space when torsion is involved, and that improves on a previous result in the literature. Furthermore, this work introduces our own abstracted and restricted version of the general notion of a cell complex, suited exactly to our needs.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.03559