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Avimita Chatterjee, Subrata Das, Swaroop Ghosh (Apr 23 2024).

Abstract: Quantum error correction (QEC) plays a crucial role in correcting noise and paving the way for fault-tolerant quantum computing. This field has seen significant advancements, with new quantum error correction codes emerging regularly to address errors effectively. Among these, topological codes, particularly surface codes, stand out for their low error thresholds and feasibility for implementation in large-scale quantum computers. However, these codes are restricted to encoding a single qubit. Lattice surgery is crucial for enabling interactions among multiple encoded qubits or between the lattices of a surface code, ensuring that its sophisticated error-correcting features are maintained without significantly increasing the operational overhead. Lattice surgery is pivotal for scaling QECCs across more extensive quantum systems. Despite its critical importance, comprehending lattice surgery is challenging due to its inherent complexity, demanding a deep understanding of intricate quantum physics and mathematical concepts. This paper endeavors to demystify lattice surgery, making it accessible to those without a profound background in quantum physics or mathematics. This work explores surface codes, introduces the basics of lattice surgery, and demonstrates its application in building quantum gates and emulating multi-qubit circuits.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.13202