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Georgios Styliaris, Rahul Trivedi, David Pérez-García, J. Ignacio Cirac (Jun 17 2024).

Abstract: Matrix-product unitaries (MPU) are 1D tensor networks describing time evolution and unitary symmetries of quantum systems. MPU which are formed by a single repeated tensor are known to coincide with 1D quantum cellular automata (QCA), i.e., unitaries with an exact light cone. However, this correspondence breaks down for MPU with open boundary conditions, even if the resulting operator is translation-invariant. Here we make the first steps towards a theory of MPU with uniform bulk but arbitrary boundary. In particular, we study the structure of a subclass with a direct-sum form which maximally violates the QCA property. We also consider the general case of MPU formed by site-dependent (nonuniform) tensors and show a correspondence between MPU and locally maximally entanglable states.

Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.10195
