Threads for ella

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      BMW Group’s Central Invention offers a research intern position in the area of Quantum Computing for Multiphysics Modeling. Numerical simulation of physical processes (aerodynamics, crashworthiness, heat transfer in batteries and engines, to name a few) is at the core of BMW Group’s activities. Modern state-of-the-art industrial solutions represents a compromise between numerical accuracy and computational cost, thus, increasing the number of physical tests in production. The goal of the project is to explore quantum technology to power rapid and predictive numerical simulation allowing to reduce the number of physical prototypes for more optimal, safe, and sustainable production.

      What awaits you:

      • Understanding the challenges of industrial numerical simulations and state-of-the-art solutions.
      • Learning the specifics of different classical and quantum deterministic and variational approaches, access to the solvers.
      • Application of available classical and quantum solutions to 2D-3D toy and realistic examples for analysis and benchmarking.
      • Executing the numerical experiments on classical HPC, Quantum emulators and hardware.
      • Experiencing the research environment in a big corporate in the team of young and talented scientists and engineers.

      You are enthused by new technologies and an innovative environment? Apply now via:

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      World-leading technologies don’t make it into a BMW until they’ve undergone one of the most challenging journeys imaginable. It takes dynamic teams with outstanding technical skills to take them from the drawing board to the road. That’s why our experts will treat you as part of the team from day one, encourage you to bring your own ideas to the table – and give you the opportunity to really show what you can do. At BMW Group, we offer you an interesting and varied working student occupation in the area of Quantum Chemsitry and Quantum computing. The quantum computational chemistry team focuses on developing and applying quantum computing and quantum chemistry methods together for molecules, materials, and chemical processes.

      • You will work as a working student in quantum computational chemistry, with a focus on multiscale modeling of materials deformation processes.
      • You will develop and apply advanced algorithms in quantum chemistry and quantum computing to model the electro-chemical and thermodynamical properties of battery materials.
      • You will actively participate in technical discussions with our experts in quantum computing and battery simulation.

      Enjoying learning new things and broaden your horizon? Apply now via:

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      BMW Group | PhD Candidate Quantum Chemistry for Batteries | Full-time | Munich, Germany

      Bridging the gap between your doctoral studies and the kind of career challenge you’re looking for isn’t always easy. That’s why our ProMotion PhD programme gives you the opportunity to apply your passion and scientific expertise to very real challenges that could shape the future of mobility. If selected, you’ll have the chance to really develop your own future career path with us through your practice-related thesis, promote your chosen specialty from within – and position yourself to secure the career you’ve always wanted.

      We, the BMW Group, offer you an interesting and varied Ph.D. program in the area of Quantum Chemistry for Batteries.

      To ensure that battery cells operate efficiently over time, it is necessary to have a better understanding of battery chemistry and its connection to mechanical and electrical properties. Simulating cell chemistry at various levels, from atomistic to bulk material, can provide numerical insights into the chemical processes taking place in cells. The quantum computational chemistry team focuses on developing and applying quantum computing and quantum chemistry methods for molecules, materials, and chemical processes. We offer you an interesting position in quantum computing and quantum Chemistry.